Friday, August 1, 2008

Patiently Impatient/Adventures with a Crackhead


I'm blogging today about something that I keep running damn sense of impatience. I am patient when it comes to a lot of things, but some things just irritate me so much, I feel as if I'm gonna pull my hair out because it annoys me that much. Like slow ass drivers, people who cannot understand that just because some chick with a big ass is outside, traffic on main thoroughfares does not need to come to a complete crawl. Chicks with big asses in the hood aren't that rare anymore. Get over it.  Seriously, guys.

I had to go out to Sears to pick up two air conditioners that the owner of my building bought for my apartment, and the pick-up service is supposed to take 5 minutes. Guess how long I sat HOUR. Not cool. It wasn't busy, but the one attendant, an older guy who resembled Mr. Burns a lot, down to the three moles on his head...was moving as slow as molasses. Finally, the air conditioners came out, and it took him 10 minutes to get the cart they were on to my car (about 5 feet away from the door, if that)...which was crazy. Then, he wanted to sit and assess the space in my backseat to put them in. This fool literally sat in my car, in the passenger seat and was staring in my backseat. So, while he did that, guess what I did? I put the air conditioners in my car. MYSELF. I literally kicked Mr. Burns out of my whip...and yes, I know it was rude, but he was aggravating me. I'm starting to realize I don't like old people.

Also, I just have to say crack is a foul thing. There's a crackhead or 'clucker' as they can be called, who basically walks up and down a main street, looking for crack. She's a white lady and if I remember, the next time I see her I'll take her picture and put it up instead of the picture of Tyrone Biggums to the left. Anyway, she's doing whatever for crack, following people around the neighborhood, asking the local crack dealers if she can trade a sexual favor for a rock, etc. Now, I'm not gonna lie, I live in the hood. Part of me loves it because there is a local 'color' in the neighborhood, but I hate it too because that color can become invasive if you're trying to study. Anyway, Crackhead Shirley (as she calls herself), was strolling up and down the street in a two-piece bathing suit a couple of nights ago. As I was filling up my car at the gas station, I noticed her stroll up. She seemed unusually cranky, and I didn't speak to her. In line in front of a bunch of teenage boys, as I paid for my gas, I heard a voice say "I'll suck your d!ck for two dollars." I turned around, as a reaction, (really to see who the hell said that) and met her eyes. She said to me, "B!tch, I wasn't talking to you!" and started getting I walked off and was like, "OK!" I see her again today in the afternoon, she's still wearing the same bathing suit and she's all, "Hey GIRL!!" and literally tries to run to me as I'm getting into my car. I looked at her and was like, 'hey' and kept on riding. She tried to get three dollars to wash my car, but I wasn't giving her or it any mind.

I'm patiently impatient...I have a sense of patience, but I can't stand nonsense. I can't stand waiting in the heat or dealing with people with crack problems. I don't like being in the middle of your shit, and it irritates me. So, lesson for today, leave me out of it, leave me be. Your ears and my throat will thank you.

*Ashley Robin*

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