Monday, August 25, 2008

Fu*k Hillary and Bill Clinton!


Saturday was a great and terrible day for me and I'll tell you why. My morning started off like any other weekend morning, hanging with my mom, playing with my babies (the two cats) and watching CNN while drinking my tea. (Constant Comment with plenty of Silk Very Vanilla Soymilk, honey and a dash of lemon). I had predicted early on, as soon as Biden's name was mentioned as a possibly Vice Presidential Candidate, that he would not only be vetted, but that he would be the man Barack picked. My dark horse pick (or my long shot pick) was New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, but I pretty much assumed it was Biden's time, partly in due to gut instinct and partly because of the fact that a guy like Biden, known for flapping his gums at reporters was very quiet. He's many things, but quiet is not one of them.

Later, before the official speech by Senator Obama to officially introduce Biden as his running mate, my best friend came over to hang out and talk about other things going on around us. However, partly into our conversation, the speech came on. While I felt it was a good speech, I felt that Obama should have been a bit more bulldogish in it, and by that, I mean aggressive in his stance that John McCain is the same as George W. Bush. He did a good job getting the crowd riled up, and was able to given Biden a warm welcome. Then Biden took the stage, and talked. He did not talk for as long as I thought he would, but he was very smart in his disccusion, and HE was the attack bulldog I've been waiting for Barack Obama to be. He was funny, eloquent, insightful, candid and real...and if you have followed Biden's Senate career like I have, you know that it was not an act...that's simply how he is. After being so relieved that the VP stakes are over (for Barack at least, I'm pretty sure McCain is going to pick Romney despite them not liking each other), my disappointment in mass media made my day terrible.

I have one question- When did it become Democratic procedure to "run things past the Clintons"? About half the analysts on CNN were saying "Barack should have vetted Hillary", "Barack doesn't do enough to help her pay down her campaign debt", "Barack should have picked Hillary", blah, blah, blah. I am so sick of hearing this woman's name in connection with both the Obama campaign and the Vice Presidential Nominee, I think I'm going to vomit. Now, I know I am an Obama supporter, through and through, but if the situation would have been reversed, you think they'd be telling Hillary to pick Obama? NO! You think Hillary would have vetted Obama? NO! HELL NO! 

Just so everyone knows, being 'vetted' simply means you have met with the committee helping the nominee pick a Vice Presidential candidate, as well as submit financial and medical documents, as well as interview with them. In this in-depth interview, it is said that potential candidates are thoroughly questioned about their stance on different matters like abortion, gun rights, clemency, racial disparity, etc. - I got about six emails asking me what "vetted" means, so I figured I'd clarify. 

In my short life, I've never heard this much ribble rabble about a candidate, who basically, couldn't cut it. I don't mean to be mean, or sound mean, I'm not, and as a woman I am very proud of her making it as far as she did, but realistically and objectively, this woman, while having a great place in American history is essentially a known liar. She lied about being under sniper fire, she lied about one of her campaign stories and she was known to exaggerate the truth. People say the media is preferential to Barack Obama, but all the gaffs that Hillary Clinton made and was not called out on, amazed me. 

Political commentators keep saying "Barack didn't do this for Hillary" and "Barack didn't do that for Hillary" but no one is mentioning the fact that neither Bill (who is pretty much on my shit list for his comments against Barack after it was clear he was going to be the presumptive nominee) or Hillary is doing any heavy campaigning for Barack. The commentators say that a good number of Hillary supporters are either going to vote for McCain, write Hillary in or abstain from the vote...and no one is asking why Hillary or Bill is not trying to actively do anything about that. One or two stumping speeches isn't enough! Every blog, article or write up about Hillary or Barack has a comment by someone saying "Well, she didn't win so I'm abstaining". That's shameful! Disgraceful! Terrible! Personally, I'm smart enough to not vote for John McCain...ever. Three words. Roe Versus Wade. McCain wants it gone. And while I'm not a believer in abortion for myself, I believe people have the right to choose what is done with their bodies and should be allowed to seek treatment openly and legally without having to risk their life. 

So, my question to these commentators is why all the focus on Hillary and Bill? This race isn't theirs, it's Barack's. So either stand with him or get the hell out of his way! Quit whining about campaign debt that YOU made, suck it up and do what's best for the nation! Barack will look out for you, but he cannot be expected to stop and consult with the Former First Lady every two seconds...he has other focuses, like I don't know... maybe, um... HIS CAMPAIGN!

So I have five words:
F**K Hillary AND Bill Clinton!

*Ashley Robin*


ZACK said...

You know how to express yourself, Ashley. That's one thing about you that has never changed and it will take you real far in life.

This is a very good analysis of the events of this weekend. To the point and entertaining. I enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for your support of my blog! Since I had a fallout with someone on my blog roll, I put you on there instead. And don't worry- I'm never taking your name off! :)

Ashley Robin said...

Aw, thanks honey! I appreciate that! I'm glad I got status and won't be removed...thanks babe for the plug, I appreciate it.

I'm working on my writing skills and my blogging skills...trying to be like you when I grow up! Please blog, yours is so great. Feel free to link me, I'm proud to be a part of the gozack family!

Anonymous said...

I agree with this....fuck Hilary and Bill Clinton, why are they acting like he owes them something, he don't owe them shit for the way they bashed him when they were competing for the nomination the way bashed him one would have thought it was the main election how hard they were going in and as far as the jackasses that switching sides because obama got the nod fuck them too....Obama don't owe nobody shit folks need to let him do him because like you said if the shoe was on the other foot they would have no sympathy for Obama even though he has been running the most honest campaign I've seen in a while, I've always voted but it has never been a big on my list of things to but I'm gon make sure its the 1st thing I do that before do anything else that day but keep the political blogs coming very insightful for someone like me who's a political dummy