Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who is Sarah Palin?

Hey Everyone,

I'm deeply convinced that Barack Obama and Joe Biden have just won the 2008 Election. One of the reasons why, is on Friday, the day after Obama's speech in which he officially accepted the nomination to be the representative of the Democratic Party in the 2008 election for the Office of President of the United States of America, John McCain decided to name a woman pictured to the left as his vice presidential nominee. Her name is Sarah Palin, and she is the current Governor of Alaska. She is a staunch conservative, probably even more so than John McCain, and is said to be a maverick like McCain, and has taken on the oil companies and won. However, when examining her record, it is obvious she is not prepared to be Vice President, and if something were to befall a Senator McCain, become President. Some people are questioning the reasons why he chose the 44-year old Governor, whose experience is limited. Republicans argue that she has experience working as the Chairperson of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (which was only a one year term), and as Governor of Alaska, Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and as a Council Member of Wasilla, Alaska. On paper, it sounds great, but when you break it down like I have, it means that the McCain/Palin campaign comes up short against an Obama/Biden ticket. 

Here's the breakdown:
Wasilla, Alaska is a town about an hour away from Anchorage, Alaska (the largest city in the entire state), and has a current population (according to the city website) of 6,715. 85% of that town is white, 5% Native American.  The entire town is about 12 miles big, and almost 1 mile of that is water. This is the very town that Governor Palin was elected mayor, twice, once in 1996 and again in 1999. Her political career actually started as a council member of this same town, and she came into that office in 1992, and served there until her first run for mayor in 1996. 

The entire state budget for Alaska is 5 million dollars, whereas the state budget of Illinois, Barack Obama's home state, is about 65 BILLION! Delaware, Joe Biden's home state, has a budget of 28 BILLION! So, even Delaware's budget is 5600 times bigger than that of Alaska. Now granted, the senate only gets a piece of that budget, and the governor oversees all of it, but it is reasonable to assume that the part of the budget going to Obama and Biden is significantly larger than that of Palin's entire budget. 

The other issue is the obvious idea behind McCain's appeal to the female conservative base, and those who want a woman on the ticket, specifically Hillary Clinton supporters. However, if you look at Palin's record, she is against abortion, even in cases of rape, incest or where the fetus could potenially harm the mother, and she is pro-gun rights. These are two staunch positions of the Republican party, and two areas that John McCain considers to be cornerstone positions of his "Pro-Life, Pro-Family" Republican Presidential ticket. Governor Sarah Palin is considered a strong nod to the social conservatives that are unsure about McCain. However, by adding her to his ticket, he can no longer make the argument about lack of experience that he has been saying for months, because despite Obama's lack of government tenure, 18 million plus people chose him over anyone else to lead the Democratic  Party as its Presidential nominee regardless of his time in the Senate, whereas Sarah Palin was not the result of a vote, but simply the choice of one man: John McCain. 

Another thing that seems to bother voters in my own research, is that Palin and McCain met only once before Friday's announcement, whereas Obama and Biden served together on the same Senate committee for years, and they also campaigned together for President, and again when Biden endorsed Obama. Palin and McCain barely know one another, unlike Obama and Biden, and while people do not expect candidates to be bosom buddies, but to at least know the location of the other's be able to speak on the strength and witness of the person that they are campaigning with, and to be able to attest to their strengths and weaknesses.

A political commentator said that the Democrats had a great convention, and with this pick, they received an early Christmas present. We will find out in 66 days.

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