Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Breaking the Gender Roles

Hey All,

So, obviously you guys know I'm a girl. And in many ways, I'm a girlie girl. I like stilettos, dresses, lace undergarments and fruity cocktails. I like having my door opened for me, I like not having to pay for dinner on dates, I like being able to pick at my food and it be socially acceptable. I also like having a guy carry me around if my feet hurt because of my shoes, and I like being able to lean on a guy when I'm walking, especially when I fit right into his nook..(the nook being that space on his body between his shoulder and his hip, but not all the way by his armpit)...but I'm also blessed with guy tendencies.

Converse to all my female tendencies, I love to drink beer, belch, pass gas and hang out with the fellas. I watch football, I love to watch horror films, rooting for the villain and laugh at the character getting slaughtered, and I think nothing of horsing around and making a fool of myself. But, I also spent summers with my dad, who showed me how to work on a car, from fixing its brakes to working on all the fluids, changing oil and oil filters, to changing out coolant hoses, batteries and even how to mend a tire and replace it if need be. My dad was an ace for that...

So I consider myself pretty knowledgeable...even though most of the stuff I've never HAD to do, but I do at least know how to do things. So it really, really, really irks me when someone, especially a man, tries to be like, "Oh you changed your oil...well, I hope you changed your filter too." *No offense to the person who said that to me* But, I get a 100 comments like that a day. Obviously my car hasn't blown the f*ck up, so I must know a little something...right? And it's always a dude who says that...girls will ask "Can you teach me how to do that, too?"...but fellas, what is with that sh*t?! Why can't you just be like, "Hey, good job" not "Do you really know what the hell you're doing, you idiot.." like just because I'm without a penis that I can't do a typical "man" thing. So my question is, do testicles make you more auto-friendly? Maybe not just auto-friendly, but able to do things that typical females don't...

Also, my mom is a great cook. She loves to cook. I don't...well, not really. I can cook, don't get it twisted, but it's not my inclination to jump up and be like, "Hey, lemme go fix breakfast." Like, with my ex, who'll I'll call Mr. Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda...(He woulda graduated college a year before he did, he coulda been my Mr. Right but he shoulda treated me better) was steadily on that sh*t. In the morning, he'd always ask me to cook something. Gents, just so you know, if you're gonna have your girl overnight, and you're gonna ask her to cook don't have an empty fridge! LOL. That used to drive me bananas. But, I digress. 

The point is, don't go assuming stuff just based off my gender or my race or my anything actually. Just be proud I'm not some lame-ass damsel in distress. Be proud of my independence, hell...embrace it! Be glad I'm not some whiny person begging you for help on something that you may or may not know how to do that I'm interested in learning how to better myself with the knowledge to live in the world, and be happy for me. If I add my coolant fluid to my whip when it needs it, play GTA4 on my 360 and belch when I need to..maybe I'll be more inclined to cook, clean or wash dishes. 
*Ashley Robin*

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