Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Making Decisions


So the last time I blogged I was trying to decide between law school and grad school. Ever since I was a little kid, I knew I wanted to do something big with my life. However, I never knew what that something big would be. I couldn't sing, didn't want to dance, didn't think I was capable of composing a great symphony and lacked the attention span to actually write a book. However, I could argue my butt off and think logically about a situation. 

So, it's no surprise that I've made the decision to go to law school. I know it'll be a challenge, but it's something I'm up for. And I'm 100% convinced it's the right decision for me, even though there are so many lawyers or soon-to-be lawyers running around these days. I know I'll shine, and I know I'll excel at whatever part of law I choose to practice. 

Now that it is over and done, I'm looking forward to the challenge of applying to law school, waiting to find out which school will accept me and what sweatshirt I will proudly wear as I head from class to class, and what school will make me invest in a pair of reading glasses. (I've had LASIK, but I know future lawyers do a lot of reading).


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