Saturday, July 26, 2008

Good Morning! (Well, Not Really...)

Hey Everyone,

So I decided to write a blog entry early in the morning. It's weird, because I'm not really a big morning person in general. I swear, if I could work at night, I'd be too happy, because something about the daytime just bugs the crap out of me. I feel like the sun literally sucks all the energy out of me. The truth is, I have suffered from insomnia since my teenage years, for some unknown reason I can't really sleep, and usually end up taking a sleeping pill to fall out.

Last night, with all the stress going on, I realized I forgot to renew my subscription for my pills. Partly because my doctor wants me to go see the psychiatrist of their practice before she renews them, but I'm just not feeling that dude. I mean, it's gotten be written in a book somewhere that pervy old men, whom I've started calling creevies (creepy old perverts), cannot try to psychologically analyze vulnerable women. Let's just say he was trying to bring up OLD demons and getting a little too touchy-feely while doing so. I told my doctor and they tried to say I was just too sensitive at that time, and brush it off as me just having awkward feelings about the guy. Didn't censure him, fire or suspend him. Not a mark on his record. So, as a result, I've been trying to stay away from my doctor and that dude for a while.

A while back, my car got broken into. I was very, very sad and heartbroken about it, especially since my car is my baby, and my first. Here's a pic of it not too long after I got it.

A 2002 Volkswagen Cabrio. 2 door Convertible. Blue. Leather. Pristine condition. Beautiful. And someone had the nerve to somehow destroy the locks on the doors and literally pull the radio out of its console. I know we're in an economic recession and all that, but dammit, it took me two months and a loan check to get that radio in that car, and it's all gone. Irony is, that radio had a code to use, and if the thieves try to install it into another car, and don't enter it correctly, it won't work at all. The wonders of modern technology.
So, the damage was so bad that I had to make an insurance claim, mainly because I couldn't lock the doors and you guys may not know, but I'm always schlepping stuff in my car. From the days when I worked for Apple and had all kinds of tech stuff in my car, to my groceries and whatever else. Plus, I don't wanna be riding and someone manages to yank my ass out of the seat. Not cool. Anyway, they assessed the damage to be 2500 dollars. I damn near fell on the floor. Not only had these bastards taken my beautiful radio and damaged my locks, they ruined the seal on the driver's side window, ripped up the main console and basically just violated my baby. So, obviously I didn't pay 2500 to get it fixed, but in fixing it, the body shop also put in another radio. I didn't know they did that, and I was so shocked when I got it back. 

Point is,  now that radio is gone. While out and about running some errands, my mom lost the face. No insurance on it like we had with the original radio. So, we have to get another one, since the first radio didn't have theft protection. I'm going to get one probably this weekend or Monday at the latest. 

I do want to announced I have a new appreciation for this man. Everyone who knows me personally and now my blog readers should know I am a fan of slasher/horror films. Nightmare on Elm Street, the ORIGINAL, is a classic on my list. It was before Freddy got cheeseball corny and the idea of someone invading and being able to kill in dreams was scary! All the subsequent films made him out to be a comedian with a razor claw. I only mention because the studio has decided to greenlight a remake. I guess they saw the figures from 2007's Halloween remake (which I thought was very stylishly done) and got greedy. I just hope the NOES remake is as good. I'll be going more into depth about my views on the horror movie genre in a future post since my friends have asked me to enlighten them about it. 

As for me, I'm starting to get sleepy and I need to study for this exam. We'll see how well I do on it.

Oh, and no Kevin news so far...but no news is good news, at least in this case.

*Ashley Robin*

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