Thursday, June 8, 2006

Just Hanging with the Boys

Today's been a good day so far. I just came home to change and decided to pound something out before I head back out again, mainly because I've been getting emails asking me what's been up...I keep telling people to check the blog, no one listens..oh well.

Earlier last week, my ex's best friend was talking about going paintballing, and when he asked me how I liked it, I said I'd never been before, but I always wanted to go. He then told me that he was going to go some time next week (this week) with some of his buddies and asked if I wanted to go. Since he's a total sweetheart, and I'd never been, I said sure, why not.

This morning, they come to pick me up, and immediately from when my sleepy ex leans up from the backseat and hands me a sesame seed bagel and a vanilla soy latte...(he remembered!) I can tell it's gonna be a fun day. We get to the forest preserve, and we have a ball. I actually win the flag a couple of times and run around being silly until POW....right in the butt. According to the guys, it was a big target. HAHA....

No drama, no nothing. Just a bunch of us hanging out and being silly. No matter what will happen between me and my ex, these guys will be my buddies. They made sure to tell me that they thought I was cool and he knows I'm cool, so I'm welcome to hang with them anytime...which is weird since they don't really hang with girls too often, except when they are getting that QT time in. These six guys laugh, joke and are fun...they are so less complicated than girls.

Kevin came too...and he added a whole other level of laughter to the day...between his "You guys, I think I just shot bambi" bit to the "damn, is that a moose or is that tony's mom?" line...we just had a good time enjoying the day....and it's not over yet. I'm supposed to go meet them later, so i gotta get changed.

Ashley Robin

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