Friday, June 16, 2006

I (Sometimes) Wish..

I sometimes wish I was a kid again. Not because my childhood was great, it actually sucked a whole lot, but because things were so simple. I can wonder thinking about a crush was the biggest obstacle I ever had, not where I'm going to apply for grad school. LOL. Although I wouldn't give away the freedom with someday being in grad school and getting a six figure job, having no cares and loving what I do....being able to get married to Mr... and having his kids, all that, it's just nice to have things be simple for a while.

Again, enough with the lying! My friend called me today, and she asked, "So, what's up with this whole bs that people do, sending out false energy into the world?" She's a big believer in true and false energy and being truthful, not insulting people by thinking they really are complete dumbasses, and etc. I told her that stupid people were taking over the planet, that there's really nothing you can do about it.

People always seem to want to make themselves or their situations look WAYY better than they are, instead of admitting what they have or don't have and dealing with it. She's speaking about a specific situation. she's got a friend, well, actually, they are my friend too, and this girl is lying to all of us about simple stuff, like where she lives (who the hell would lie about that?) and that her boyfriend isn't controlling (when he completely is...she was coming out with us, and he wanted the license plate number as well as physical description of the car we were in...WTF?!!)

Now, we're all worried because she's gone ghost...again. Last time this happened, she ended up taking a bus from VA to NY to our friend Lacey's house to get away from this guy who had obviously beat on her, and then she CALLS him to say she misses him from Lacey's home phone. He does an address finder on the number and shows up, demanding she come back. Lace was like, "fuck that, i'm not dying over this shit..." and told her to come out. She did, they left and that was that. A few months later, she's crying and upset again, telling us all that she moved back into her mom's house...but yet, still has the same home number as she did when she was living with the guy. I mean, come on...we have caller id, we are not stupid. Again, lying and in turn insulting people's intelligence...not a good thing.

Assuming that people aren't gonna catch on to your lies and strings of deceit is just bad business. I mean, imagine you have a different story for each person you know. What if they meet and talk about you? Now, you've got to either keep them seperate or keep certain parts of your story the same so that they have no idea. Like, for example, saying you are sick. She'd tell one of us she had stomach flu, the other she had cramps, so if we spoke, it'd be like, "hey, have you talked to Cammie* today?" we'd say, "nah, she's sick." if we were to delve into it and discover she told two of us two different illnesses, she'd say, "well, i meant stomach cramps, not period ones." That girl is super smart. For all that energy thrown into it, she could have built a cold fission device.

So back to my point, I sometimes wish I was a kid again, where life was simple and whatnot. You only had to worry about what kind of ice cream you'd get when the truck came, and not worry about people's well-beings, mental or physical. But then again, without the age and maturity to recognize peril, we'd probably be taken in by their bs.'s so conceptually complex. Gotta love it though.

back to my movie...(hits the play button...gotta love on demand!)

*Not her real name, by the way

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