Monday, November 3, 2008

Love Song


So I'm being silly for a minute and publicly confessing my crush on TJ Holmes. Some people might think he's a sellout, whatever, but he's a fine sellout! I was actually up before 10am on both Saturday and Sunday, and was able to find his cute face smiling all in my television. He made me download the podcast for the program so I could run with his voice in my ears. Sad, I know, but TJ is that ish! Check out the above video of the new crush object. 

Anyway, I'm trying to find some new music to listen to. The iTunes library is nice, but I've got to expand my horizons a bit and find some stuff to listen to. I already got the old head music, the hip-hop, both popular and low profile and all that. So any suggestions, let me know ASAP.

Otherwise, my plan to run in the Chicago 2009 Marathon has been realized, and my marathon training has begun. I've been running my miles, (I try to run at least once a day, but usually run once every other day, around 2 miles) but I have yet to really get into it. I have realized that I just need a gorgeous male trainer. Gorgeous men do it for me every single time. That way, if I need help lifting or whatnot, he'll be right there to assist. LOL, in more ways than one. I'm changing the diet, joining the's all good. October 2009, I'll be ready to run the Chicago marathon, in more than one way! I have to start hitting the equipment in order to build more muscle mass to run faster, stronger and longer. We will see how it goes. 


*Ashley Robin*


Kofi Bofah said...

Came onto your blog via gozack.

I will snoop around and see what you are talking about.

I see that you are a New Yorker living in Chicago. You may enjoy this post here:

The Top 5 Most Stylish Cities in America
Let me know what you think. I encourage you to post a comment on there...

Kofi Bofah said...

As for music; I have been bumping Cormega recently. The man never got his due as a top MC...

Kofi Bofah said...

Just in case you haven't got up on this:


The Mad Rapper.

ZACK said...

Damn Kofi! Leave the girl alone, already. (Just kidding)

Raquel Pauline said...

trying listening to Janelle Monae or Santogold

Raquel Pauline said...

oh yeah, and TJ is fine

Raquel Pauline said...

not really into light skin men, but he is really fine, good lawd!!!