Thursday, January 10, 2008

Knock the Bullish Out


So, I got sick. Yeah, ordinarily, it's not a big deal, but I find myself sick and bored out of my mind. I'm not only stuck in the house, I've got nothing but old books, older movies and my silly ol' cat to keep me company. As a result, I have had a fair amount of time to think about things going on in my life. And I've decided I don't like the path of which most of the stuff is that means, in simple words, it's time to Knock Out the Bullshit.

What does that mean exactly? Every year, usually around the first of the year, many people all over the world begin to put their lame-as "resolutions" into effect. Yours truly always resolves to cut the fat, eliminate people and relationships that are not good for me, because they simply suck in terms of my mental, physical and spiritual growth and health. However, I, like many people, suffer from a thing called "having good intentions but no real follow through". Simply speaking, I cannot actually take the steps required in order to make this plan a reality. Well, not this year. Why is this year ask? Well, let's rehash.

In 2007, I had a record year of lows. I was broke (and I mean digging in the couch cushions for loose change to only remember you'd done that a few days before), fired for the first time, found out my dad had Alzheimer's and dementia, celebrated 15 years of losing someone very close to me, almost died twice, found out one of my best friends bout with cancer was eventually going to kill him, lost an uncle, a great-aunt, along with being dumped, rejected and brokenhearted. It was a rough year. In many ways, though, its full circle because I started last year off not feeling so well, and I start this year off sick. I hope this is not going to be a tradition, because it is a SUCKY one. ha.

So, I am more determined than ever to "knock the bullshit" out of my life and far far away from me. Things are going to be on my terms, I'm not going to try to please anyone but myself. The goal is to do well in school, study for the GMAT and LSAT, and maybe, just MAYBE find some sense of happiness. I'd settle for being content though, because happiness is overrated and short-lived. So, if you hear from me, hold your breath, because I may be telling you it is the last time we will talk. If you don't, well, you get the message.

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