Friday, April 17, 2009

Morsels: It's All for the P***y!


So, for some strange reason, I'm always asked about sex and relationships. I don't know why, but my friends and even people I don't know well, seem to gravitate towards me for advice and counsel in their love lives. It baffles me even to this day, because I'm perpetually single and tend to be less lucky in love then they are. Anyway, I tend to be honest and realistic in my advice. In so, I have set up four couples. Three of them are married, one is engaged, and the three marriages have all resulted in children. Part of me wants to open a matchmaking service, but I will hold off on that idea for a little while. In respect to that, I've decided to blog more about the things I get asked about, things I'll call Morsels.

With that, I give today's morsel to women. Most men out here are dogs. I'd say 80-85% of men out here are simply used to getting what they want. Now, I'm sure I'll hear from men who say they aren't, and therefore, they can find solace in being in that 15-20% range that are. Even though some of them may be lying to us, and themselves. But anyway, most of the dating game is not at all about dating. It's all for the p***y. Either the pursuit of it, the obtaining of it OR the ability to keep on getting it. And, I know, to be honest, if I were a guy I'd be chasing it too, but let's be real. Nothing really great comes easily. So ladies, instead of wondering why a man doesn't call you after you have sex or wonder if something is wrong with you because all the men you have sex with disappear, why not make it harder to obtain? 

Realize that because you are a woman, and you have p***y, you have a good deal of control. Not all, but a good deal of it. Most women fail to see this, and find themselves hurt more often than happy. And bottom line, we all want to be happy, right? So, I'm not saying subject yourself to any games or deceit, but I simply say, demand more of the guy you are interested in. I could blog forever about the power struggles of dating, but that's later.

The next blog: My Advice on Getting a Mate and Keeping Them Interested (Men and Women)


*Ashley Robin*

1 comment:

ZACK said...

Now I'll never get laid! THANKS A LOT ASHLEY. :(

But I don't even go for the p-word, I just want women to be attracted to me. That's the real victory for me that hasn't happened yet. (And probably never will)


This is the first time that one of your blogs didn't make me feel better.