Thursday, October 9, 2008

Living The Pollo-Pescetarianistic Life


So I've always been a finicky eater. I don't like to eat too much red meat because it makes my heart race, my tummy hurt and my head aches as a result. A while ago, I decided to eat fish, chicken and my veggies. In talking to a good friend of mine, who is a strict vegetarian, she told me I was a pollo-pescetarian. When I googled it, I found out a pescetarian is someone who is essentially a vegetarian, but who eats some fish. A pollotarian is someone who is a vegetarian but eats chicken. So I'm a pollo-pescetarian. Interesting things you learn when hanging with the vegetarian crowd.

As far as the marriage post, I've decided to cut things off with the married guy. I don't want to be accused of leading him on, or become some target by someone. It's not worth it. There are enough single guys in the world to keep me interested. Besides, I'm convinced I won't be meeting my Barack until I'm in law school. Until then, I'll indulge in my chicken, fish and veggies and work towards being a better me.


*Ashley Robin*


ZACK said...

Cool post. I learned a new compound word today, and it's all because of you. :)

I can't handle any beef. It gives me the runs. (I know. Too much information) But I loves me some chicken and fish. Fried and cat, respectively. Catfish fillets specifically.

And don't you dare mess with any married guys, other than those NBA players. Everybody excepts them to cheat.

ZACK said...

*expects- not excepts. I'm partially dyslexic

Ashley Robin said...

thanks zack! no more married men, i promise.