Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Catch Me While I'm Sleepin...Maybe While I'm Dreaming Too...

I don't want to go to school anymore for this year. I just want to chill out until the fall. However, if I blow this summer off, I'll have nothing to show for it, so back to school I go. These last two weeks are the HARDEST! Not that class has gotten more challenging, but it's more of a challenge for me to want to I've got a research paper to tackle this weekend, and I have no real plan on doing it. That's in theory what tomorrow is for...spending time researching sources and putting some kind of theory together. However, I just got an XBOX 360 and it's in the same room as my computer and stuff. I hope I can be strong enough to work first and play later.

Got an interview tomorrow with a promotions company. I don't know what they want me to do, since they asked me to come in, but we'll see.

Also, why is it when I decide to take a sabbatical from men....the one man I was with in a relationship, the one who was the mystery, decides to confess his love for me? That's a whole other blog, but I'm still doing the solo thing. I don't plan on giving that up for a while...I just finished watching two of my friends who were together bicker and fight for no damn reason...I vowed to myself that I won't let that be me. I just won't. I'll be alone for my entire life before I play the 'who can hurt the other the worst' game. It's not my style.

P.S.- Errbody knows Tom and Katie had the baby. I just want to know, what the hell is a Sumi? Mom told me Sumi was her name, and I said, "Semi? why would someone name their kid Semi?" then she explained all that "it means this in farsi bs" whatever! What happened to nice names, like Quietasha and Buygoletta or Shantienese....?

Big Kudos to my girl Jade kicking butt on ANTM. No one I know likes her, but I do. I think she's got serious moxie. Also, I think Pickler should have been voted off Idol...she gets on my nerves. Ace should have stayed.

Stay gorgeous...

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