Sunday, September 10, 2006

Long Time Coming...

Haven't blogged in ages, I've been sooo busy with school, my friends and work, being on the computer seems like a foreign idea to me. I'm having trouble staying focused though...I find myself bored in class, not wanting to go and trying to find reasons not to. I got called out for not attending my math class, so I'm just going to have to find a way to stick to it. Oh well. My jury time was interesting, spent two days on a jury for a murder trial, and then they ended up plea-bargaining. I was kinda mad, saying, "Couldn't you have done that before I took two days off of school to spend them sitting in a hot ass room with a bunch of old people?" Yeah, the only reason I got picked was because I was close in age to the defendant, and had read nothing on the case. See, if it doesn't come to me through news alerts on my phone, texts from Mom or a friend telling me, I won't sit and read about random people getting arrested.

Anyway, I'm hosting a party at my house on the 16th. I'm excited because it looks like about 50 folks will be coming. We'll see how it works out. I gotta go get some sleep, got some things to take care of, I just wanted to blog something so people wouldn't think I was dead. LOL.

Ashley Robin

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