Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wondering: Where Has All The Time Gone?

I've been thinking a lot about Kevin lately. It's kinda weird, I talk to him daily, as usual, but I miss him a lot. Life seemed to be....slower without him. It's like now, I'm in the end middle of January, and I don't really think I've accomplished anything. I wanna try to get my butt into shape like I was back in my high school tennis, track, crew and ballet days, but I just can't find the time to really dedicate to it. It's weird, because going back to school...I don't remember being this tired! I feel like all I can do is look forward to the weekends so that I can get sleep, and then when I actually have work to do, I feel like chucking my books across the room at someone...anyone. LOL.

I have decided that this whole "wait until Mr. Right comes along to rescue me from a life of singleness" might not work after all. Seeing as how recent developments with Mr. Wonderful who I said I wasn't going to deal with anymore seem to complicate that, I've decided to sort out the situation with him totally before I move on. I don't really want to get into the problems of it, but let's just say who and what he is complicates every aspect of my chance for hapiness with him, but because of his personality, style and general aura of liquid sexiness, I can't resist him. And I've tried. Horribly. And failed. LOL. It's so pathetic. I've started watching Grey's Anatomy on TV (mainly since it comes on after DH) and he's my McDreamy. I just wonder if I'm his.

Meanwhile, school is pissing me off generally. Apparently Mom makes too much money for me to get any kind of financial aid, but we ain't got it like the government says. My dad is nonexistent on that level, even though if he wanted, he could be Captain Save An Ashley and fix it, but he's being the typical asshole he's always been. It just chaps my butt, you know?

Was watching Reno 911 reruns and I picked up a new saying from the character played by Cedric McDonald(?), Deputy Jones, who said to a perp "D.T.A.M.F.S" (Don't Take Another Mother Fucking Step)...had me cracking up for a while. I kept backing it up on TiVo....god bless my TiVo's the only thing I have a regular relationship with these days.

Speaking of Reno 911, I heard they are going to make a movie-length feature with the same excited. It's written by the same people who write the show, which is apparently why there haven't been any new episodes. They start filming it in Miami and Reno this month....I'm over the moon.

Enough with my incessant blabbing, the Blob is on TV....campy 90's horror, but I love it regardless.


Ashley Robin

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